Saturday, February 10, 2007

New NSM Policy Document

NSM members,

New Policy:

Effective Feb. 1st 2007

Policy Document 1: All new NSM Members will be considered Probate Members for a 6 month minimum upon joining the active duty Ranks of the NSM. The probate member may aquire & wear his/her uniform and attend all Party functions, but will not be permitted to wear or recieve the NSM members patch until they have served in the Party for 6 months minimum, without problems or issues. This rule will now be enforced, and is set in place to further cement discipline & Honor in our Ranks. Due to the large influx of new members, the probate member may contact HQ to request their patch after 6 months active duty. There are no exceptions to Document 1, other than the Probate can have his Probation period extended if Party Officers or NSM HQ has a reason to extend it.

Policy Document 2: No more dual memberships in the future for active duty NSM. The Party has looked down upon dual membership for a number of years for a variety of reasons. Most other groups already have this Policy in place, and it is for good reason. No one can be 100% Loyal to one group, if they hold Loyalty to another. It is a conflict of interest from the word go, and is something that will not be conflicting our Ranks into the future. The Party does not want people who will be partially Loyal, we expect 100% Loyalty. We are the elite and you as a member of the Party deserve no less than to expect the exact same Loyalty from the man or woman standing next to you.

Exceptions to Policy Document 2:

Grandfather Clause: Any active duty NSM that already have dual loyaltys as of before Feb. 1st 2007, may retain those affiliations via the Grandfather Clause, when you joined the rule was not already in place so it does not immediately affect you, but no further changes may be made, nor will recruitment efforts for these other groups be allowed within the Ranks. The rule is made to solidify our Party far into the future, anyone who doesn't like it can leave. The Party is stronger than ever now, and we reserve the right to further strengthen the ranks without outside hinderance of any kind.

Support Members: Support members may still retain dual loyaltys. Support members are general Party members, but are not assigned to any specific Divisions nor Leadership Positions within the Party.

Division Change: Any existing Stormtroops or active Duty members who do not agree with the Policy may drop into the support divisions of the Party. The Policy is not designed to punish anyone, but rather strengthen the active duty ranks.

Hail Victory! Commander Jeff Schoep

National Socialist Movement P.o. box 580669 Minneapolis, MN. 55458 U.S.A.

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