Thursday, December 28, 2006

College Prof. Tremaine joins NSM Radio line-up

NSM Radio:

Now Featuring former College Professor Terry Tremaine

NSM Radio brings you a brand new Radio Program called National Socialist Review with Host Terry Tremaine. Many of you already know of Terry Tremaine from his guest apperances on NSM Radio, Comrade Tremaine was a College Professor in Canada who is currently embattled by a very hostile Canadian Court system (spearheaded by zionist jews) over Freedom of Speech.

The Canadian Government has been desperately working to smash freedom of speech and expression by jailing White Patriots. Terry Tremaine and other brave men like him are Leading the charge for the National Socialist cause in the North.

The National Socialist Movement in the U.S. and Canada stand 100% United in Cause and Deed.

The enemies of Freedom of speech do not seem to understand that when you try to squash an idea or opinion, you will fail miserably, and more of us will rise up against you.

Tune in anytime 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to NSM Radio to listen to your favorite talk radio shows at

(12/27/06) In his debut program, Terry Tremaine discusses the North American Union, currently being discussed in secret behind closed doors.

Hail Victory! Commander Schoep/ NSM HQ

National Socialist Movement P.o. box 580669 Minneapolis, MN. 55458 U.S.A.

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