Sunday, December 31, 2006

White farmers upset over holiday message

White farmers upset over holiday message

In a recent article reported by the website, it describes how the black South African Land Affairs Minister Lulu Xingwana has recently angered white farmers. These farmers have called Xingwana's most recent comments "racist," and it appears that such accusations are done for good reason and might even have some merit.

White farmers are targeted and murdered by the thousands by blacks. Blacks often kill the whites in the most brutal ways imaginable (pictures related to this), usually raping the white women and sometimes burning alive the white children in the process, and then obtain the former white farmers' land at auction prices. Further exacerbating tensions, the black South African government has been working to "redistribute"--the black communist catch-phrase for stealing--the white farmers' land, offering them pennies on the dollar.

As you might expect, such practices are quickly leading to many hungry folks, who get easily angered and causes the downward spiral in South Africa to increase.

Many of the white farmers' farm-workers are typically black. The white farmers generally try to treat their farm-workers fairly and decently, though they typically don't like having the workers squatting on their land for various reasons--including the reason that some black farm workers living on the land do so only to get close to the white farm owners in an effort to kill the whites' entire family. The white farmer owners will consequently--in an effort to remain safe and, more importantly, alive--sometimes have to "evict" the black farm workers for living on the white farmer's land. It's not safe--nor even hygienic--after all, to have black folks setting up shanty towns on the white farmers' land.

Since stepping into office, Land Affairs Minister Xingwana has reportedly all but ignored the murders of the white farmers in South Africa. Perhaps, this is simply business-as-usual for Xingwana; and she feels that it's OK to murder whites and take their land? Whatever the case, white farmers have been patiently waiting for Xingwana to condemn the thousands of yearly white farmers who are brutalized and murdered by blacks--what you might expect from South Africa under black rule.

In a recent radio address, Xingwana has asked the white farmers not to evict their black squatters, living on the farmland (with a few of them waiting for a chance to kill the farm owners), and perhaps leave them there so that these black farm workers can brutalize the farmers' family at any time they choose. Still, despite the evictions that occasionally occur, the white farm workers generally try to be kind to their hired help, lest the help not perform in an efficient manner.

Laurie Bosman, the president of Agriculture South Africa, has responded to Xingwana's remarks by noting that "the minister appeals to us to treat farm workers humanely, not to abuse them and not to evict them - as if we do not treat them humanely, [and only] abuse and evict them. Why does she never talk about farm killings? She is tarnishing the farmers' reputation and this hurts the sector. Why does she think that we just evict people?"

Chief executive officer of the Free State Agricultural Union Pieter Moller suggested that Xingwana was "stretching a hand to us and at the same time making general accusations that are racist. Farmers are very unhappy ... we are going to write a letter to the president."

President of the National Association of Farmers Union Motsepe Matlala, an exclusively black farmers' association, defended the seemingly anti-white statements of Xingwana, who has all but ignored the anti-white murder sprees targeting white farmers for their land. Again ignoring the plight of whites, Matlala suggested that sometimes blacks too are murdered by the black criminals who target the white farmers:

"The farmers are being killed and so are the farm workers. But the farm workers are not able to make a noise because they depend on the farmer to be able to use the telephone."

Of course, this isn't true, as many of the black workers do make many noises as they brutalize and murder the white farmers' families. But perhaps it's not politically correct in South Africa to mention such noises being made.

Black Land Minister Spokesman Eddie Mulaudzi said that the Land Ministry was puzzled by the farmers' honest comments. He said that there was at least one condemnation of a white farmer's family who was brutally murdered, and perhaps he felt that words in one particular case were more than enough.

Whites have recently been given an ultimatum by Xingwana that approximately 30 percent of whites must hand over their land to the black government soon, to be redistributed to blacks, or that the government will take it and hand it over to blacks any way. In August 2006, Xingwana promulgated that whites by February 2007, the black government would take the whites' land, which will undoubtedly cause massive starvation in Africa:

"We are now going to negotiate six months - no more, no less. Indeed, we don't have time to be talking and talking for 10 years ... because already our [black] people have been waiting. At least now we have expropriation. Therefore we will no longer waste time negotiating with people who are not committed to transformation."

The years ahead where whites suffer under black rule will be increasingly harsh, with more folks starving and suffering under black rule. The only hope that whites will have is if the 10 million of them ban together and completely break away from their black government, who cares little about the whites' lives and what happens to them.

Related articles

Farmers are feeling less than festive

South Africa gives white farmers six months ultimatum!

These are examples of the news all white people should be shown not the soppy wet nipple stories constantly rehashed over and over. I’m sick of being shown hungry black babies and feel good stories about a dog giving birth to fourteen pups. There are real problems out there affecting white people and they aren’t getting told. The media is nothing but rubbish feed to morons.

6,000 Africans die trying to illegally immigrate to Spain

6,000 Africans die trying to illegally immigrate to Spain

About 6,000 African migrants have died or gone missing on the sea journey to the Canary Islands in 2006, Spanish immigration officials say.
They say more than 31,000 migrants reached the islands in the Atlantic - more than six times as many as in 2005.

The coastguard intercepted fewer than 5,000 of them in small wooden - and often overcrowded - boats.

The Canaries is one of the most popular destinations for Africans trying to reach Europe to escape poverty.

"We're talking about a dramatic number of dead," Froilan Rodriguez, the Canary Islands' deputy director of immigration, told Spain's Cadena Ser radio station.

Mr Rodriguez said that about 600 bodies had been picked up on the shores of the Canaries and the African mainland in the past 12 months, but the total of migrants killed had been about 10 times higher.

Jose Segura, Spain's interior ministry official in the Canaries, said that almost as many Africans had reached the islands in 2006 as in the previous four years combined.

He described the increase in the numbers of the arrivals as "spectacular".

Spain has repeatedly called for more European Union help to deal with the problem, the BBC's Danny Wood in Madrid says.

In a bid to stop this migration, boats, planes and helicopters from the European Union's border control agency are now patrolling the shores of Senegal and Mauritania, our correspondent says.

They keep on coming. But they still say the blacks have the same intelligence as us, the White Race.

N.S. professor who attended holocaust denial conference slams university

N.S. professor who attended holocaust denial conference slams university
James Keller, Canadian Press
Published: Monday, December 25, 2006

HALIFAX (CP) - A Nova Scotia professor who has faced criticism from his university and colleagues for attending an Iranian conference that cast doubt on the Holocaust lashed out against the school Friday for failing to defend his academic freedom.

Shiraz Dossa, a political science professor at St. Francis Xavier University in Antigonish, N.S., raised the ire of the university after presenting a paper at the conference earlier this month.

Dossa, who has insisted he's not a Holocaust denier, used the forum to talk about how the Holocaust plays into the so-called war on terror.

In a statement e-mailed to other faculty members Friday - his first public comments since returning from Iran - Dossa said the conference was relevant to his ongoing work.

"The conference was unfortunately tainted by the presence of a small number of Holocaust deniers, but I feel it is a mistake to boycott any academic conference because of the presence of participants whose views one finds repugnant," the statement said.

"It is more appropriate to participate and confront and challenge repugnant views directly. . . . The hallmark of a truly great university is that it will protect its academic staff from attempts to silence them or to suppress their work."

Added Dossa: "I would like to express my disappointment in my university for its failure to defend my academic freedom."

The university was quick to distance itself from Dossa and the conference, and has cast doubts on the tenured professor's future. President Sean Riley released a statement expressing his "shock and regret" before Dossa had even returned to Canada.

On Friday, Dossa met with the school's vice-president academic for the second time to discuss what happened.

Later in the afternoon, Riley continued to condemn the conference.

"We are not challenging the freedom of faculty members at our university or other universities to have free inquiry," Riley said in an interview from Antigonish.

"It's still quite understandable and highly appropriate to take a firm stand of disassociating (the university) with a conference that had elements that are repugnant."

Riley wouldn't speculate about what, if anything, the university would do with Dossa, but said no decisions would be made until after the holidays.

He noted that guests at the conference included a list of controversial figures. Among them were Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke and Iran's president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who addressed the event and predicted Israel will one day be "wiped out."

Dossa has also faced criticism from his fellow professors, 105 of whom have signed a public letter stating they are "profoundly embarrassed" by Dossa's trip to Iran.

Michael Steinitz, a physics professor who helped spearhead the letter, said Dossa exercised poor judgment by attending the conference, which reflects poorly on the entire school.

Anti-racist actor jailed for abusing black policeman

Angelique Chrisafis in Paris
Saturday December 16, 2006

Samy Naceri, the acclaimed French actor who has spoken out against racism in France, has been sentenced to six months in jail for racial abuse.
Naceri, 44, whose father is Algerian and mother is French, won a best actor prize at Cannes film festival this year for his role as a Moroccan soldier in the French box-office hit Indigènes (Days of Glory), which rails against racism and is competing for an Oscar for best foreign film.

Last March, however, he was stopped in his car in western Paris. He later admitted having drunk 15 whiskies and taken "half a box of sedatives". He was put in a cell overnight and, in the morning, poured out a stream of abuse including strong racist insults aimed at a black officer.
In court Naceri pleaded guilty and asked the officers to forgive him. He said: "I wanted to die ... I'm ashamed about the racist remarks. It's not me. It's not my education." He told the court he had since given up alcohol and drugs.

Naceri was fined €8,000 (£5,360) and given a six-month sentence - the maximum penalty for racist abuse. Elie Arnolin, the officer he insulted, told Agence France-Presse news agency outside the court: "It was a very fair verdict, given the seriousness of the case."

Naceri has several convictions for offences including assault, speeding, drug possession and drink-driving. He faces another assault case in court on Monday.

He was discovered by the director Luc Besson, who cast him in the film Léon and the French action series Taxi. His recent film, Indigènes, portrays the forgotten Muslim heroes of the second world war. The film's four leads shared best actor prize at Cannes and mounted a media campaign against discrimination and racism in France. They persuaded President Jacques Chirac to redress the injustice of African soldiers' low war pensions.

Classic example of kidding oneself. Probably his best acting to date has been as an Anti-Racist.,,1973453,00.html?gusrc=rss&feed=12

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Wake Up!

Self Motivation: For us its Do or Die

Self Motivation: For us its do or die

Racial Kindred, here in America, in Europe, and all over the White World we have witnessed a growth explosion of the non-White Races by the billions, our own Race has been on a steady decline for decades. Miscenegenation/ race-mixing amongst our own people has hastened the decline and is currently devastating the White World population. I despise defeatism, so I will not brow beat the aforementioned bad news into the minds of our Folk to much. However, I mention the bad news for a reason. That reason is to motivate you, our Racial Brothers and Sisters.

We sit at the cusp of a Historical Era, and we may be among the last of the White Generations who can still hold back the multi-cultural floods. Ancient Aryan Societies in India and elsewhere began their own downward spirals into multiculturalism in an almost Historically accurate way to what is happening in the U.S. today. Eventually the Caste Systems failed and the whole Nation became one Race, just as the Zionists/jews and their lackeys want for us here in America.

The White Race has always been the natural enemy of the jew, considering they were never able to fully enslave us under their One World Order. With modern day lazyness, and technology that has numbed the minds of the majority, our enemies sit closer to their dream of World Dominion than ever before. The already send our youth off to the slaughter in senseless wars in places we do not belong, to kill off a few more of our Folk. How much more are you willing to take White Man & Woman?

There is an answer to this seemingly dark scenario (no pun intended). That answer is National Socialism. National Socialism is about action, not just words, and not simply saying you are a NS, but actually being one in action, and in life. There are far too many people who live their lives inside of the box, and make up every excuse for their own lack of willpower, action, or downright cowardice. These assorted losers will whine and say, we can't make a difference in the streets. I remember in the early 1990's when I was shown the One man picket by a man who served with Commander Rockwell. We had more than 1 man on that day, but the picket was done with one man to prove that even alone, we could do something. After that here in Minneapolis we began to organize larger pickets, we did one with just 3 of us protesting against the Communist's in downtown Minneapolis on May Day, some Cuban or Mexican tried grabbing the swastika banner on that day, and after we boxed him up against the wall the Police came and hauled him off. Soon we picked up some more men and women and began larger pickets, usually 10 to 12 people sometimes a few more, sometimes less. Other Racialists made excuses for not assisting, most commonly at that time was it looked weak we don't have enough men for a proper demo. The excuse then was when we had 2 dozen, the sideline warriors would help. After we reached 2 dozen the same excuse makers said we needed 50. The NSM grew even more and we put nearly 100 on the steps of the State Capitol in Indiana a few years ago, then the excuse makers said 100 wasn't enough, so we did 150 to 200 along with allies from other Pro-White groups at Yorktown and Valley Forge, and then about 100 again at Madison a few months ago. Still, the same usual excuse makers refuse to assist. It used to really bother me that fellow White men would refuse to take to the streets, even to battle the reds. Now I have a clearer outlook, and I am glad the fence sitters stay at home. When we walked into Austin Texas at the State Capitol in November with no Police to control the crowds and only a couple dozen of us, I knew the people standing with us were ready and willing to fight the multi-cultural horde that was quickly surrounding us. If we would have won or lost would not have mattered, just showing up the armchair warriors and actually going toe to toe with the multi-culti horde would have been well worth it.

The same excuse makers that won't face the red scum in the street are very quick to attack their supposed Brothers in the struggle too. It seems very odd that some of these critics are willing to even fist fight Racial Brothers, but are almost 100% unwilling to ever fight the reds in the streets. Others amongst the critics are quick to offer criticism, or preach about how it should be done, when they themsleves have proven unfaithfull and unwilling to do it themselves, or in a few far between cases they do some limited activism with limited success and feel that is enough or that everyone should now conform for them.

Now that we have covered the Problem, and those that contribute to the problem by doing nothing, lets focus on what can be done to fix the problem.

First and foremost get motivated, put your petty differences aside, stop worrying about selfish things, and fully understand that we are engaged in a full scale war here people, its a war for our very survival as a people. Our enemies treat it like a war, but many of our Kindred think that this is some sort of a game or funtime at the club house. Newsflash, there is nothing cool about being a loser that just hangs out and thinks NS/WP is a scene or a fashion circle. This is a full scale engagement to wipe out the White Resistance, and herd us like (goyim) cattle so the jews and their willing puppets can rule over us. America was once under the boot of an Occupational force headed by King George of England, and brave men like George Washington rose up to defeat them. Once again we are under the boot of foreign Occupation, a force so evil and cruel it wants to rob us of our birthright, our heritage, and our once proud and noble way of life by over running us with 3rd Worlders hell bent on destroying everything this Nation was founded upon.

Its up to you White Men and Women, motivate yourself and do something. Get active in your local NSM Chapter or another Pro-White activist group that is working to make a difference. It is literally Do or Die time for our people, and the time for excuses and 1/2 measures is long behind us.

If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem...

Commander Jeff Schoep/ National Socialist Movement www.nsm88radio. com www.nsm88records. com

Friday, December 29, 2006

Racist graffiti on road signs

Racist graffiti on road signs

Tourists travelling through Marlborough were given an unpleasant welcome coming into Spring Creek this morning, with racist symbols and slogans scrawled across speed signs on both sides of the township.

Four of the 80kmh speed signs on State Highway 1 had been vandalised with white paint overnight, with swastikas and "NZ Only Land" written on them.

Grant Brown, manager of Swampy's Backpackers in Spring Creek, said most of their guests came from overseas and he doubted the vandalism was the work of locals.

"Some of the people living here give the backpackers a bit of stick when they go over to the pub, but it's all in good fun. I reckon it was probably just some idiots passing through who jumped out of their car and did it."

Mr Brown said there had been the odd piece of tagging in the neighbouring railway yard, but he had never heard of any similar racist graffiti.

"It's not a very good look, is it? Hopefully somebody will get it cleaned up soon."

Marlborough Roads roading engineer Steve Murrin said it was the first time he had heard of swastikas being sprayed on signs but vandalism was an on-going problem.

People painting words on signs, knocking them over or shooting bullets through them caused about $50,000 of damage annually. As this cost is borne by ratepayers he urged people who saw vandals in action to contact the police.

He said a small number of culprits had been apprehended over the past year and were made to pay for the damage they caused. A Give Way sign would cost about $300, but the big signs at the entrances to Spring Creek cost about $6000, he said.

Mr Murrin said he would organise to have the signs cleaned as soon as possible.

Constable Dan Mattison of Blenheim police said local officers were familiar with this type of graffiti, but "nothing of this kind" occurring in Marlborough had been reported to them recently.

Although racist graffiti is rare in Marlborough, tagging has been on the increase in the last few years, with silver paint scrawled across private properties along Scott St in Blenheim in September.

However in 2003 a large red swastika was splashed in blood red paint on the Marlborough District Council administration building, along with the words "Honour the Treaty".

Last week it was revealed that American Nazis had set up two chapters of the National Socialist Movement in New Zealand to spread their message of white supremacy.

The Minneapolis-based hate group were linked with the extreme right-wing New Zealand National Front political party. Two members of that party were jailed last year for the vandalism of six Muslim mosques and cultural centres in Auckland.

It's funny how the media link everything up without any evidence. If they were that worried about anyone seeing it and getting upset over it, why give it media attention?

By the looks of it some people are fed up with the problems in New Zealand as well as us.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

2 Upcoming Shows!

The National Socialist Movement & NSM Records Proudly Present:

The Great Minnesota Book Burning & Concert:

NSM National Meeting & Taking Over the South Show:

Please Forward these announcements to your Pro-White Lists, Link on websites, and Bulletin Boards. These are 2 events you won't want to miss!

On January 27th 2007 NSM88 Records will hold a private concert after the NSM's Book Burning Ceremony.

The Book Burning is sponsored by the National Socialist Movement, and the show afterwards is sponsored by NSM Records. Music will be provided by Total War, and possibly some other Bands to be announced.
The Concert will include include a Tribute to our fallen East Coast Director and Vice Presidential Candidate Col. Wild Bill Hoff who recently died in a fatal car wreck.

The Book Burning and Concert are open to all known Pro-White Comrades, e-mail us or call 651-659-6307 and leave a phone # if you plan to attend, carpools are being organized now to attend this great event. You won't want to miss it!


This Years NSM National Meeting will cover 2 days on private property in South Carolina. On April 21st 2007 NSM88 Records will be holding the "Taking over the South Concert"
Musical Guests include: Total War, Achtung Juden, and more to be announced.
(If you have a band and would like to play at what should be one of the largest WP gigs on the East Coast for 2007, contact: )


College Prof. Tremaine joins NSM Radio line-up

NSM Radio:

Now Featuring former College Professor Terry Tremaine

NSM Radio brings you a brand new Radio Program called National Socialist Review with Host Terry Tremaine. Many of you already know of Terry Tremaine from his guest apperances on NSM Radio, Comrade Tremaine was a College Professor in Canada who is currently embattled by a very hostile Canadian Court system (spearheaded by zionist jews) over Freedom of Speech.

The Canadian Government has been desperately working to smash freedom of speech and expression by jailing White Patriots. Terry Tremaine and other brave men like him are Leading the charge for the National Socialist cause in the North.

The National Socialist Movement in the U.S. and Canada stand 100% United in Cause and Deed.

The enemies of Freedom of speech do not seem to understand that when you try to squash an idea or opinion, you will fail miserably, and more of us will rise up against you.

Tune in anytime 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to NSM Radio to listen to your favorite talk radio shows at

(12/27/06) In his debut program, Terry Tremaine discusses the North American Union, currently being discussed in secret behind closed doors.

Hail Victory! Commander Schoep/ NSM HQ

National Socialist Movement P.o. box 580669 Minneapolis, MN. 55458 U.S.A.

NSM National & Regional Offices


Due to the influx of new membership in the Midwest, we are appointing a couple of new posts/Leaders to assist our growing Ranks.

NSM National Membership Coordinator S. McBride. Those of you who have joined the Party in the last month or two have probably already recieved a phone call from this man, he has been at his new post for about a month now, we just had not announced it. S. McBride is a veteran NS who once served with Robert Miles and the Mountain Church, and has served the Cause for Decades. His duties include welcoming the new membership, answering questions, and helping to resolve issue's within the membership corps.

NSM Midwest Region as detailed by the maps given out at the 2006 National Meeting is too large. Michigan State Leader Dan Hill is now hearby appointed Regional Leader for Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Kentucky. State Leader Hill has proven himself to be an effective Leader in Michigan, and we expect he will be able to do even more for the Party in this new capacity.

The National Director of Stormtroops Col. Bishop will continue to Over see operations in the rest of the Midwestern States, and Nationally as ST. Director.

In the Northeast, we have appointed Gordon Young to State Leader of Maryland, and SS Mann Connelly as Regional Director for New York and the States North of NY.

In the South, Lt. Taylor Bowles has been appointed to State Leader of South Carolina, but is not going to be filling Col. Hoff's former post as East Coast Director at this time due to the Presidential Elections, and other formalities.

At this time we are not naming any other NSM Regional or State Leaders. We have a large number of new NSM unit Leaders and contact points around the Nation and Oversea's, and we welcome you all. There is a lot of work to be done, so lets get to it!

Hail Victory! Commander Schoep/ NSM HQ

NSM Radio: New shows Listed

Here are the latest shows from NSM Radio/TV at -

SAVAGES FORMING GANGSAUSTRALIA CALLING(12/26/06) Nig refugees imported by the Federal Government are forming criminal gangs in suburban Melbourne. One leader has warned of Paris-style riots unless they are pandered to by the Government.

CANADA ATTACKS: THE CONTINUED STRUGGLE NAZI AMERICA(12/21/05 ) We check in with Comrade Terry Tremaine, who fills us in on the test cases going on in our neighbor to the north---the latest battles in the fight to destroy the Aryan way of life--and how these cases are a taste of things to come.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Welcome to NSM International!

Welcome to the official blog of the National Socialist Movement - NSM International!

For a while now the NSM blog has been down. So we have re-opened it with a new look and a new name.

Here at NSM International we will do our best to keep you up to date with all NSM events and activities worldwide. Everything from rallies to concerts and updates from NSM Radio, NSM88 Records etc.

This blog will also bring to you the news the jew does not want you to know about. All the things that will open up your eyes and make you think will be posted right here.
Hail Victory!