Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Hitler party `distasteful and offensive'

White supremacists are holding a rock concert in Wellington tonight to commemorate Adolf Hitler's birthday.

The plan has appalled Jewish and anti-racist groups but they say, though the event is offensive, it is not illegal.

The concert, organised by local branches of skinhead gang Hammerskins and neo-Nazi organisation Blood and Honour - which has been banned in parts of Europe, will bring Australian "viking rock" band Blood Red Eagle to play in Wellington tonight. Adolf Hitler was born on April 20.

It is understood the gig was scheduled to play at the Berhampore headquarters of motorcycle gang Satan's Slaves, but Hammerskins this week announced a secret venue change "due to differences". Sources believe Satan's Slaves may have fallen out with event organisers.

Race Relations Commissioner Joris de Bres said the plans, while offensive to many, were not illegal. "Mercifully, there aren't many people in New Zealand happy to celebrate Hitler's birthday. I don't think it's going to be a very big party."

Wellington Jewish community leader and Israeli honorary consul David Zwartz said it was "distasteful and offensive", but racism was an unfortunate part of many Western societies now. "I think that will just continue as long as there are some people who live with the obsessions that these people have, which are racist and hateful." Anti-racist groups are also appalled at the move.

"I find it disturbing that people belonging to two organisations internationally known (and even banned) for inciting race hate and committing attacks and murders should be organising here," one campaigner told The Dominion Post.

Wellington police said they were aware of the event, but were not expecting any trouble.

This concert must have made the kikes angry. The story made it into jew papers world wide.


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