Wednesday, March 21, 2007

NSM Marches through Reds in Missouri!!!

NSM Goes Toe to Toe with the Reds in the streets of Missouri!!!

Good work and a Salute to everyone that attended this!

The NSM forces assembled in Missouri today marched and fought directly through a mob of hundreds of screaming and fighting communist agitators. Initial reports from our Comrades was that every single piece of literature they had was handed out to interested locals (approx 150 flyers passed out to people asking to join), and about 8 to 10 locals asked to join in the march as it was in progress. There were a good number of supporters on hand, however the commie agitators were the ones starting the fights, and a number of them went home with some extra knots and perhaps broken bones for attempting to grab at our flags, and signs. Listen to the report from our Comrades on the ground at for the after march interview "Live from the Commander Rockwell Birthday Party" held afterwards. We should have some video footage and perhaps some audio from our own digital recorders sometime within the week, if the footage survived the confrontation.

Listen to unbiased reporting from ground zero here: video footage

87 photos here:

Next stop, Columbia South Carolina, April 21st when we March on to the State Capitol Steps for the Rock Against Illegal Immigration event!

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