Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Why we (NSM) do what we do?

Why does the NSM do the things we do?

To all the new people joining the struggle, and those outside of the NSM that are interested in why we do what we do.

These answers will be short and to the point, I could probably write a book on these subjects if I were to elaborate and cover it in detail. For many of you these reasons are obvious, however due to the large influx of new people and the American Public in general being interested in our Party, I will do a run down on some of our reasons.

Question: People often ask us why does the NSM use the swastika, and why do some of the members wear uniforms?

Answer: We use the swastika for many reasons, One: It is an ancient Aryan Symbol (the symbol of the sun), Two: it is universally recognized as THE symbol of White Power, among other reasons. Our Founder Commander George Lincoln Rockwell also stated that the swastika crashes through the media black outs and brings our struggle to the forefront. Proof of his wisdom is obvious in every City we take our message too. We Honor our Martyr and do things the Rockwell way.

Answer: The Uniforms are not a mandatory part of the NSM. They represent specific Divisions/Branches of the overall Political Party (The National Socialist Movement). The Brownshirt Division is the Stormtroops, the White shirts represent the Womens Division, we also have standard Party members that are not attached to specific NSM Divisions, we also have a Skinhead Division, and SS Security.

Question: Is the NSM a Skinhead group?

Answer: Yes, and No. We have Skinheads in every Branch of our Party. Skins rule the streets and when we take the message to the streets they are with us every single time. We have Skinheads in the Stormtroops, SS, Womens Div., Party members, and Skin Div. They have been with us from the start and will always have a place in the Ranks. Skinheads started out as Nationalists and NS, only in more recent years have certain groups turned their backs on NS, such as the Sharps and other anti-racists scum. Skinheads will always be NS, anything less is silly. Now, the no part of this question: The NSM is a Political Party, so therefore would not be called a Skinhead group persay. An 80 year old Grandmother, would not be considered an NSM Skinhead, she would be a Party member. The enemy would like to label us, they call us a Hate group, etc. The truth of the matter is we are a Political Party, and are open to White people from all walks of life. The best path to Victory for our people is what suits us, nothing else matters.

Question: Isn't it dangerous and risky to confront the enemy in the streets, especially when the enemy has overwhelming numbers?

Answer: Yes it is, but life itself is dangerous, you could get hit by a bus walking accross the street. For us (NSM) the time for talking about the problem is long past. We have no need for endless chatter, or squabbling like hens over tactics. The War for our Race has been heaped onto our Doorsteps (thanks to the paid for by israel Puppets in DC), our Nation has changed drastically in the last 10 years alone due to open borders with Mexico (the 3rd World is here now). It will become less risky as our numbers swell, and as more of our fellow Countrymen take to the streets in solidarity. Ask yourself this, if you think its dangerous now, and you shirk away when duty calls over this excuse or that, what future does your little son or daughter have? The difference between the White Racial Warrior and the large segment of America that secretly agree's with us is this. We actively seek to build a future for our next Generation, the sheeple only care about themselves and their temporary safety. A famous American Patriot Ben Franklin once stated that: They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. Franklin's Contributions to the Conference on February 17 (III) Fri, Feb 17, 1775

There is alot more that could be expounded upon here, but I will leave it at this for now. The Ben Franklin quote pretty much sums up our line of thinking, and summarizes the NSM Position on matters.

Hail Victory! Commander Jeff Schoep/ NSM HQ

NSM/ HQ P.o. box 580669 Minneapolis, MN. 55458 U.S.A.

Phone Hotline # 651-659-6307

We will be confronting illegal Immigration in South Carolina at the State Capitol on April 21st, and after that in other parts of the Country. All are welcome to attend in Solidarity.

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